Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
CCV Blog Wrap-up for April 2012
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CCV Blog Wrap-up for April 2012


Well, it's been a slow month for user blogs, but where our community lacks in quantity, they make up in quality. This month in Co-Optimus Community Voice, we asked the community what they thought about Kickstarter projects and their viral popularity these past two months. Only one community member was brave enough to answer the call.

 BigBadBob113 thinks Kickstarters are a gamble for both parties.

The problem is that Double Fine's success in raising so much money IN EXCESS is encouraging other game developers to jump on the band wagon. Unfortunately these new companies do not have the same proven track record as Double Fine, so who knows what you're going to get. This makes supporting some Kickstarter video game projects a gamble for the everyday consumer.

My thought exactly. Buyer beware!

Despite the low turnout for CCV, we had some excellent blog posts this month. Head on over to the User Blogs and check them out. While you're at it, blog about something on your own blog!



