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Saints Row 4 Survey Wants to Know About Collector's Editions and Co-Op
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Saints Row 4 Survey Wants to Know About Collector's Editions and Co-Op

Listening to fans is never a bad option

The above screenshot might look like its from a Crackdown game, but it's actually from the recently released Saints Row 4 trailer. The new game looks even more over the top than the third installment - which we didn't know was possible. It's a good thing though - Saints Row knows what it is and what it does well and it continues to push that.

Deep Silver has taken over publishing duties and instead of taking a "we know it all" attitude on the franchise, they are reaching out directly to fans to see what they'd like in a collector's edition of the game.  Some items that might make it into a CE include statues, briefcases, cigar boxes, or even "replica of in-game weapons" - which probably is just code for an even bigger and more purple dildo bat.

After voting on your physical goods there's a few more questions to answer - most notably - did you play the previous Saints Row games in co-op and if so - how often.  The survey only takes a few minutes to complete - so hit it up and let them know co-op is still important!

Source: Kwiksurveys.com

