Burnout Paradise

  • Online Co-Op: 8 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Xbox Live Co-Op Night for March: Burnout Paradise
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Xbox Live Co-Op Night for March: Burnout Paradise

It's time for another monthly Xbox Live Co-Op Night, and this month we're heading to paradise - Burnout Paradise that is.

The festivities will begin on Thursday, March 12th at 8PM Eastern.  To join up simply hit up XBox Live and use the game's built in match making to find co-op partners for Burnout Paradise.  Alternatively you can send a friend invite to cooptimus and utilize the friend of friends feature to find other gamers looking to rip up some road.

We'll also have some unique prizes to give away courtesy of Electronic Arts.  Check back to this page for more details in the future!


The Co-Op Experience: Race with up to 8 players to complete various cooperative challenges. For instance all the players must work together to achieve a certain amount of jump distance. Advanced challenges have players performing simultaneous stunts.


Interesting Articles about Burnout Paradise:


Co-Optimus Game Page for Burnout Paradise

Purchase Burnout Paradise from Amazon to Support Co-Optimus!

