The Beatles: Rock Band

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
The Beatles Rock Band Xbox Live Co-Op Night
Event by

The Beatles Rock Band Xbox Live Co-Op Night

This Thursday, October 15th, we'll be hosting an Xbox Live Co-Op Night featuring The Beatles: Rock Band.  So whether you need a John, Ringo, Paul or George - we've got you covered to make your band a little more complete and your harmonies a little more sweet.

The Co-Optimus staff will start playing at 8PM EDT.  To join up you can use the game's built in match making tools to find other co-op gamers playing.  If you want, you could send a friend request to the site gamertag and use the friends of friends feature to find other co-op gamers.  You can also look for the following gamertags online:


And don't forget to check out our review of the game!

