Pokemon Shield

Co-Op Features in the Nintendo Switch Version
Popularity #2051

Core Features

Local Co-Op
Not Supported
Online Co-Op
4 Players
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
4 Players

Co-Op Extras

  • Co-Op Specific Content

The Co-Op Experience

Team up with other players via a local wireless connection, or online, in the new multiplayer co-op Max Raid Battles in which players will face off against gigantic and super-strong Pokémon known as Dynamax Pokémon. If your team manages to weaken the Pokémon enough, you all will be able to attempt to capture it. If three other Trainers aren’t available to participate in Max Raid Battles, support Trainers will automatically be added to your side to help you battle the wild Dynamax Pokémon.

NOTE: An active Internet connection and a Nintendo Switch Online membership are required to team up with players online.


Become a Pokémon Trainer, embark on a new journey in the new Galar region, and unravel the mystery behind the Legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta! Explore the Wild Area, a vast expanse of land where the player can freely control the camera. Begin your adventure by choosing one of three new partner Pokémon: Grookey, Scorbunny, or Sobble and encounter new and familiar Pokémon as you catch, battle, and trade.



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This page contains co-op info for Pokemon Shield on the Nintendo Switch. All information about Pokemon Shield was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


