Deadbeat Heroes

Co-Op Features in the PC Version
Popularity #9812

Core Features

Local Co-Op
2 Players
Online Co-Op
Not Supported
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
Not Supported

Co-Op Extras

  • Downloadable Only
  • Co-Op Campaign
  • Drop In/Drop Out

The Co-Op Experience

A second player can join in the fun and help beat up the bad guys.


London’s Super Heroes have been vanquished. Only the Deadbeat Heroes can put an end to dastardly evil-doers and their rotten plans!

Deadbeat Heroes is a movement based 3D brawler where you (and a friend) dodge bullets, steal super powers and crack wise. You play as the new wave of ‘Deadbeat Heroes’. Not born with their own powers, they are armed with a prototype super gauntlet - which has the ability to 'borrow' the powers of others. You will (both) vie to win the hearts of the public with your amazing daring do, while not getting shot, sliced, lasered, exploded, vaporized, eaten...

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This page contains co-op info for Deadbeat Heroes on the PC. All information about Deadbeat Heroes was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


