Raging Blades

Co-Op Features in the Playstation 2 Version
Popularity #4677

Core Features

Local Co-Op
2 Players
Online Co-Op
Not Supported
Combo Co-Op (Local + Online)
Not Supported
LAN Play or System Link
Not Supported

Co-Op Extras

  • Co-Op Campaign
  • Drop In/Drop Out
  • Import

The Co-Op Experience

A second player can join in at any time and help beat up all the monsters.


Are you ready to fight against an evil god and 7 dark races from hell? In the role of the Iria the Valkyrie, Gray the Knight, Ray the Wzard, Tina the Monk or Bud the Warrior use your sword or magic skills to prevent an age of darkness from sweeping their homeland.

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This page contains co-op info for Raging Blades on the Playstation 2. All information about Raging Blades was correct at the time of posting. Information is subject to change. If you see any errors please email us.


