• Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
by Paul Acevedo 0
  • xbox 360
  • pc
  • xbox one
  • nintendo switch
  • xbox series
  • couch
  • online
Get frustrated all over again in this beautiful but tough shooter.

Classic Run-and-Gun Shooter 'Alien Hominid HD' Comes to Xbox, Switch, and Steam

Alien Hominid started its life as a Flash game back in 2002. The game was ported to numerous consoles over the years, most notably to Xbox 360 as Alien Hominid HD in 2007. Now, nearly one million years later, modern players have a chance to enjoy the run-and-gun action with a fresh round of mildly enhanced ports. Alien Hominid HD has arrived on Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles, Switch, and Steam.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 3
  • xbox live arcade
  • couch
  • online

This Week in Co-Op: Alien Hominid

August has been a month of casual or arcade games for me. I've either been busy or sick, so they fill a nice niche for me. So, the approach of Castle Crashers has me excited, and since it's still a week from release, I had to satisfy my arcade game craving. Thankfully, The Behemoth (the Castle Crashers dev team) already had it covered. After all, they have made another XBLA game, and it features co-op. The game I'm speaking about is Alien Hominid HD.

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