• Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
by Christopher Metz 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
  • couch
  • online
Bring your four experimental subjects over to your next or previous console for free.

Tiny Brains Releases on PS3, Cross-buy Promotion Now Applied to Console Versions

Making the transition to the next gen consoles shouldn’t deter gamers from making solid game purchases right now, especially if they involve some fantastic co-op elements to experience. Spearhead Games’ Tiny Brains is a prime example of a game that will now offer a cross-buy promotion, allowing those who purchase it a free copy for their second console.

by Sam Tyler 1
  • playstation 4
  • xbox one
  • couch
  • online
The little mites are crossing over to the New Gen side

Tiny Brains Exposed to New Generation Consoles

Its official, Xbox One exists and we already know about the PlayStation 4.  Great news, except are there any co-op games coming out on them?  There will be at least one in the form of the 4 player co-op Tiny Brains.  Spearhead Games have officially announced that their puzzle title will be coming to the next big two after launching on PC and current generation consoles this Fall.

by John Bardinelli 0
  • couch
  • online
Tiny brains in a big laboratory.

Co-Op Puzzle Game in the Works from Former Assassin's Creed, Dead Space Members

When former developers of Assassin's Creed, Army of Two and Dead Space get together to make a game, what sort of experience might you expect? Probably not a co-op puzzle game where you play as tiny little creatures being subjected to the experiments of a mad scientist. That's exactly what the upcoming Tiny Brains will be, however, and even if it wasn't the first thing on your mind, it still looks like an interesting release.

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