I can honestly say this is one of the most varied issues of Beyond Co-Op we've ever had. Major platform releases, downloadable titles, portable games, and indie titles are all on display this month. Check the table of contents below and then dig in for a feast of 7 game reviews.
Hydrophobia................................................................................................. Page 2
Super Meat Boy............................................................................................Page 3
Quantum Theory..........................................................................................Page 4
Jam Party: Be the Music............................................................................Page 5
Enslaved........................................................................................................Page 6
Fable 3: King Maker.....................................................................................Page 7
Comic Jumper..............................................................................................Page 8
Explanation of Scores:
- Golden Billy - This is a must buy title. Truly excellent in almost everyway.
- Silver Billy - A solid title with a few flaws.
- Bronze Billy - This one is probably a rental if it interests you.