Katrina Pawlowski - Editor

A college student bound and determined to show Shakespeare and E. Allen Poe who's boss, Katrina tends to focus on the important things in life. "Important" in the eye of this beholder, covers anything from gaming to reading comics or novels, to fencing and hanging out with awesome people! Co-op has become the core of her gaming preference, and she'll play almost anything if there's someone on the other end of the headset or sharing the couch.

Her contributions to Co-optimus.com will vary from the extreme nerdisms, to classic gaming and everything in between. She may be caught including pop-culture references in her writing, as she enjoys a wide variety of geeky pleasures.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0

CCV Blog Update June, Week 4

It's the week four round-up for the month of June's blog topic: Co-Optimus Community Voice, Photograph My Gaming Rig. For the month of June we've just been asking for your photos, not your lengthy thoughts on the screen. Photos of your gaming rig - big, small, intricate or simple. The two we have this week are from staff members, a sleek PC/console office setup and a comfy couch setting where split-screen is king.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0
  • xbox live arcade

Sonic 2 XBLA Sale Part of Sonic 20th Anniversary

Starting today, you have one week to complete your Sonic the Hedgehog collection on Xbox LIVE Arcade for a sweet low anniversary price. This pack includes Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for 240, all the Tails co-op included. Classic style adventures have been particularly popular lately as gamers look to relive the good old days, and now you can do so with the side-scrolling style of Sonic for a great anniversary sale price.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0
  • pc
  • couch
  • online

E3 2011 Hands On Preview Prime World

Free to play co-op? Yes, please. In the early quarter of 2012 it looks like we’ll be seeing a very slick fantasy co-op game called Prime World from developer Nival. I sat down for some quality PC time and walked away convinced I could play this game. Not only for its content, but the style and diversity in the gameplay. Here’s what I saw.

by Katrina Pawlowski 6
  • xbox live arcade
  • pc
  • playstation network
  • couch
  • online

E3 2011 Hands On Preview Renegade Ops

Finding a new arcade game with dual-stick shooter controls, various classes, and four player online/two player split screen local co-op is always a huge treat for this gamer. In the case of Renegade Ops at E3 from Sega, this happened. I sat in a tiny room with four T.V.s set up to play this military vehicle dual-stick shooter game, complete with four very unique vehicles and a bit of competitive c-op.

by Katrina Pawlowski 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

E3 2011 Hands On Preview NeverDead

As many other gamers, when I hear the word “dead” in the title of an upcoming game I become a bit apprehensive. “Oh, another zombie game, whoop?” is how my brain often auto-reacts, and it was no different for NeverDead, an upcoming title from Konami. Interestingly enough, there isn’t really a single zombie in this game, and it’s the main character, Bryce, who is the subject of being "NeverDead." After a brief introduction to the game from a developer, I took my time with the 20 minute demo to get my hands all over Bryce and his very removable body parts.

by Katrina Pawlowski 3
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360

E3 2011 Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker HD Hands On Preview

In the world of co-op it’s fairly rare to see a franchise with a recognizable hero, like Metal Gear Solid in our co-op realm. A year ago we saw this on the PSP with Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker and it’s about to get a high definition upgrade to the PS3 and Xbox 360, co-op intact. At E3 2011 I spent a bit of time with the PS3 version of the HD version of Peacewalker and brought back some impressions.

by Katrina Pawlowski 1
  • xbox 360
  • nintendo wii

CCV Blog Update June, Week 2

It's true that many gamers love to show off their stuff. Whether you have ten tv's, ten xboxes, and loads of arcades in your house, or a more modest approach with a Television and just a few consoles. I'd go so far as to say size and content doesn't matter as long as you use it. I have known a few tech addicts (you know who you are)who buy things that immediately collect dust. Anyway, our promoted blog of the week is from a staffer who fits in the modest setup category.

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