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by Paul Acevedo 0
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Crossplay co-op coming to PlayStation for the first time in the Borderlands series

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: CrossPlay, Endgame, and Season Pass Details

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Gearbox and 2K's quirky fantasy-themed Borderlands spinoff, is set to debut on March 25. We've got plenty of new details to share about the game, but the most exciting one has to be that the PlayStation version of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will support crossplay with other platforms, something that Borderlands 3 on PlayStation does not do at present. Xbox and PC will support crossplay as well, so crossplay co-op adventures are in the cards for everybody.

by Paul Acevedo 0
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PlayStation gamers won't be crossing the play anytime soon, alas

Borderlands 3 Now Has Crossplay on Most Platforms

Borderlands 3 is one of the biggest co-op shooters around. It's not exactly hard to find other players with which to co-op loot-shoot, but more potential players is usually better, right? As of today's update, finding online co-op partners should be even easier; crossplay (cross-platform multiplayer) has finally come to most versions of Borderlands 3. The update also adds permanent seasonal event toggling, a new level cap increase, and more.

by Paul Acevedo 0
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Prepare to co-op loot shoot in a whole new realm

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will spin-off from Borderlands in 2022

The Borderlands series has always featured a post-apocalyptic-ish science fiction setting, but that will be changing when Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands comes to town. 2K and Gearbox have announced the new standalone spin-off game for an early 2022 release on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will feature a pen-and-paper fantasy role-playing theme, character creation, and, of course, 4-player co-op.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Do science, get loot.

Help Real Life Medical Researchers In Borderlands 3

These days, there are numerous ways gamers can use their beloved hobby as a means of benefiting society.  Charity events, such as the recently completed Corona Relief Done Quick, have raised millions of dollars in the aid of medical and humanitarian organizations.  That said, I don't think I've seen the potential for a more direct impact than the new "Borderlands Science" minigame in Borderlands 3.

by Jason Love 0
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Next paid DLC arrives in a couple weeks and more in-game events after that

Borderlands 3 Available on Steam Today, Spring Roadmap

At PAX East a few weeks ago, Gearbox had some news to share about their popular loot-shooter, Borderlands 3. The six month Epic Games Store exclusivity deal comes to an end today so you can now purchase the title on Steam (yes, purchase; owning it on Epic does not get you the Steam version). It's worth noting that the game will support PC cross-play between the Steam and Epic Games Store versions, and you can transfer saves between the two but it's a manual process. Additional details can be found in the official FAQ.

by Jason Love 0
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Like Santa always says, "Loot... loot... loot! Merry Mayhem-mas!"

Enjoy Some Borderlands 3 Holiday Treats Before Moxxi DLC

The first paid DLC for Borderlands 3, "Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot," arrives this Thursday, but before you go off to find some new loot, enjoy some free (if you have a SHiFT account) loot now. Last Friday, developer Gearbox started posting SHiFT codes to their Twitter account that could be redeemed in-game for things like new ECHO skins, a weapon trinket, and a new legendary assault rifle. Those codes can all be found over on the Borderlands 3 website and are good until January 10.

by Jason Love 0
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Remember when Borderlands had a good villain?

First DLC for Borderlands 3 Arrives December 19

A couple days ago, Gearbox revealed the first DLC for Borderlands 3. Titled "Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot," players will be recruited by Moxxi to break into an abandoned casino that was built by Handsome Jack back when he was 1) alive, and 2) President of the Hyperion corporation. Your goal is to break into the core of the casino and take over (anyone want to bet that it'll be turned into a Moxxi-themed casino when you do?)

by Jason Love 0
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Let's get spoopy?

Borderlands 3's "Bloody Harvest" Event Kicks Off Today

Halloween is just a week away and all the video games are getting into the spirit. Borderlands 3's "Bloody Harvest" event, which was first teased last month, kicks off today and runs until December 5. This content is free to everyone, too, so you'll be able to enjoy it as long as you own the game. During the event, you'll be able to earn unique cosmetics (such as character skins, an ECHO device skin, weapon skin) and there are new weapons to add to your collection as well.

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