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by Paul Acevedo 0
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This collection will feature The Combatribes, Super Dodgeball, and lots more Technos goodness!

Super Technos World: River City & Technos Arcade Classics Is Coming in April

Long ago, Technos was one of the big Japanese developers, gifting the Double Dragon series and many other fine games to the world. Sadly, the studio closed its doors in 1996. Happily, however, Arc System Works bought the Technos name and library in 2015 and has produced several quality games since then. 2020's Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle compiled an impressive selection of Technos' NES games. This year, Arc System Works will follow up with Super Technos World: River City & Technos Arcade Classics.

by Paul Acevedo 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
  • xbox one
  • nintendo switch
  • playstation 5
  • xbox series
  • couch
Experience the first adventure of the River City Girls on modern platforms.

River City Girls Zero Co-op Review

The River City/Kunio series has seen numerous installments over the years, but precious few of them received English releases until a few years ago. Once Arc System Works took over the license from the defunct Technos, more games starring Kunio and his buddy Riki started making their way out of Japan. WayForward’s release of River City Girls ...

by Paul Acevedo 0
  • wii
  • couch
  • online
Hop online and throw go-karts at evil clowns who totally deserve it.

Classic Brawler 'The Combatribes' Gets Online Co-op on iiRcade

Beat 'em ups have always been perfect games for co-op play. It all started with the 1987 arcade release of Double Dragon, a game that popularized co-op in a big way. Technos would go on to release The Combatribes, another quality beat 'em up that never made it quite as big as its forebear. Fast-forwarding to today, the iiRcade version of The Combatribes now supports 2-player online co-op! iiRcade is a home arcade platform for which users can buy individual games, a growing number of which feature online multiplayer.

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