Showing articles about couch co-op

by Nick Puleo 4
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Wading through 73 Million Discounts So you Don't Have To

Hidden Co-Op Gems of the Steam Summer Sale

The Steam Summer Sale 2020 is in full effect. If you didn't know it's the annual time of year where your wallet screams for mercy because "oh, it's only $4" times 37. There are plenty of big name co-op games on sale, you've got your Borderlands 3, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and Monster Hunter: World among dozens of others. But we're going to dig a bit deeper than page 1 and show you some of our favorite games we've found on deep discount.

by Jason Love 0
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  • playstation 4
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  • couch
  • online

Borderlands 3 Gameplay Reveal Summary

A couple days ago, Gearbox held a mini-event where they showed off about 40 minutes (after you take out the introductions, closings, etc) worth of gameplay from the forthcoming Borderlands 3. There were lots of tasty tidbits in there for everyone that enjoys this particular style of loot shooting, and we'll do our best to sum up some of the bigger points.

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • couch
Bringing couch co-op to the cloud

Couch Co-Op Night Stream Recap - Fight'N Rage and Wizard of Legend

There you are on your PC with a great co-op game to play, but no buddy available to sit on your couch and play it with you. What to do? Well, that's exactly the problem the folks over at Parsec wanted to solve. This third-party software allows you to turn any couch co-op game into an online co-op game! Nick and Mike took it for spin to see how it fares as they checked out Fight'N Rage and Wizard of Legend.

by Jason Love 1
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  • playstation 4
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  • nintendo switch
  • couch
  • online
New update adds couch co-op for console version

Slay Mythical Creatures in Titan Quest With a Buddy on Your Couch

As if seeing a console release wasn't enough, THQ Nordic continues to amaze me with its ongoing support of Titan Quest, an action-RPG that is now over 12 years old! The developer/publisher dropped a new update a couple days ago that fixes a number of bugs and adds two play couch co-op to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. This update will be included in the Nintendo Switch version, too, when it arrives on July 31.

by Tally Callahan 1
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  • couch
Our top picks for couch co-op games that are available on GOG

Co-Optimus\' Best of GOG: Couch Co-Op Games

While there’s certainly advantages to living in a gaming era that emphasizes online co-op, couch co-op games will always hold a special place in many of our hearts. Therefore, we (the folks at Co-Optimus) were extremely pleased when the recently released Nex Machina brought back this nostalgic experience in fine form. As a game developed with...

by Nick Puleo 2
  • pc
Virtual couch co-op becomes a reality

How VR Could Change Co-Op Gaming Forever

Virtual Reality (VR) are two words which are about to have a huge impact in the world of co-op gaming. Tech industry leaders like Facebook, Samsung and Sony are currently tripping over themselves in the rush to become VR global leaders and seize the sizeable market. You may already have tried out a beta version of VR but the latest technology is literally going to transport you to a different world. Devices are as simple as headphones and a visor but the experiences the technology can now produce are astounding. 

by Nick Puleo 0
  • playstation 3
  • PlayStation Network
  • playstation 4
Time to download a bunch of games you'll play once!

PSN Flash Sales has Borderlands 2 for $4, and other Co-Op Greats

Sony is having a flash sale on PSN this weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day. What does that mean? There's a lot of co-op focused content available on the cheap for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. I personally couldn't pass up Borderlands 2 with all of the extra content for just $4. A total steal.

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