Showing articles about killing floor 3

by Paul Acevedo 0
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  • playstation 5
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The latest game in Tripwire's amazing co-op shooter series needs more time in the oven. Shucks.

Aww, Nuts. Killing Floor 3's Release Date Has Been Delayed to Later This Year

Even though we haven't covered Killing Floor 3 all that much, please don't mistake that for a lack of enthusiasm. Killing Floor 2 is one of my all-time favorite co-op shooters, and I thought the Killing Floor 3 closed beta was pretty terrific. Some other players must've had a different impression, however, providing lots of constructive criticism to Tripwire, the series developer. Hence, Killing Floor 3 has been delayed from its original March 25 release date to a nebulous "later in 2025" release window. Darn it!

by Paul Acevedo 0
  • pc
  • playstation 5
  • xbox series
  • online
The first gameplay trailer reveals gruesome foes and bosses.

Killing Floor 3, Sequel to the Granddaddy of Co-op FPS Games, Is Coming in Early 2025

The Killing Floor series of horror-themed first-person shooters has been around for a long time. The first game was a bit rough looking but fun. Killing Floor 2 then came along and looked like the first game but better. Now, Killing Floor 3 is in the works, and it looks like the second game but better. We know this for sure because the new game's first gameplay trailer has just debuted. Yes, it looks like the previous game, but also incredibly fun!

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