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by Jason Love 0
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Nihon no Mura expansion adds Japanese faction

Skyward Collapse to Receive First Expansion

Skyward Collapse, the 4x/RTS/god game from Arcen Games, will be receiving its first expansion at the end of the month. As a quick background, the game revolves around you, an omniscient being, overseeing the development of two warring races and keeping those races from completely wiping each other out. It's a different take on the whole "god game" genre and one that I found quite enjoyable, even if the co-op had a few problems. The game's already gone through a number of tweakings and improvements since it's May release, and now it's getting it's first official expansion: Nihon No Mura.

by Jason Love 0
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Phenomenal cosmic power, limited application

Skyward Collapse Co-Op Review

When a new Arcen Games title is released, I am immediately intrigued by it. What new take on a well-known genre have they done this time and does it work? Skyward Collapse is a turn-based strategy/"god" game where you are responsible for the development and existence of two warring factions: the Norse and the Greek. The catch? You have to prevent either faction from destroying the other. Oh, and you can't tell the people what to do. Free will really is problematic.

by Jason Love 0
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Eight player cooperative 4x/god game

Arcen Games' Latest Skyward Collapse Hits Steam Today

[Update]: Skyward Collapse is now available on Steam for less than $5. When we spoke with Arcen Games' Founder/CEO/Lead Programmer/Lead Designer Chris Park last month, he talked about two of their upcoming co-op titles: Skyward Collapse and Exodus of the Machine. Hard as it may be to believe, Skyward Collapse sees its release on Steam this very day, and it brings with it an eight-player cooperative mode. That's a lot of friends to help you create a civilization!

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