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by Matthew Squaire 0
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Special Operations Are Better In Pairs

Modern Warfare Spec Ops Co-op Confirmed

With the flurry of information that comes during E3 every year some nuggets of information can get skimmed over, and this particular one is pure gold. During the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare E3 Coliseum panel hosted by Geoff Keighley, members of the development team from Infinity Ward revealed that not only will the Special Operations (“Spec Ops” for short) return to the upcoming reimagining of the Modern Warfare series, but it will still feature co-op.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Now Mac owners can finally cross the line

Spec Ops: The Line out on Mac

If you’re a Mac gamer and a fan of Apocalypse Now, we’ve got some news for you. Spec Ops: The Line is now available on Mac. We won’t hold it against you if you go buy it right now. The port is priced at $29.99 and features Game Center support and cross-platform multiplayer. Check the system requirements to see if your Mac is good to go with this cult it.

by Nick Puleo 4
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The thin red line of blood on your hands.

Spec Ops: The Line Co-Op Review

War has been glorified in videogame form since the days of Wolfenstein, perhaps though no game has brought it more mainstream than Call of Duty 2 did during the beginning of this console’s life cycle. Still despite the horror that truly exists on the battlefield, very few games have attempted the emotional toll it takes upon a soldier, instead choosing to make players into a one man army capable of saving the world most of the time. Spec Ops: The Line is doing things a bit differently.

by Nick Puleo 1
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Who wants to make a sand castle?

Spec-Ops: The Line Co-Op Challenge Mode Now Available

It's been almost two months since Spec Ops: The Line was released and finally we have the game's promised free co-op content.  Called the "Co-Op Challenge Mode," two players can cooperative online through four different maps each with varying objectives.  In one you'll need to disable a series of communication towers scattered across the ship graveyard, another has you  fighting off waves of enemies while you try to make your escape to a helicopter.  

by Nick Puleo 1
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Spec-Ops: The Line Co-Op DLC Should Be Available by August

Spec-Ops: The Line is out now on the 360, PS3 and PC - but it's still missing a piece that Co-Optimus readers would be most interested in - namely the co-op mode.  At E3 2012 we went hands on with it and were quite impressed with what was on display - a gritty, difficult, and tight co-op experience for two players to work through.  We were told the content would be available shortly after launch and today 2K Games have put that time frame into perspective.

by Nick Puleo 3
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Co-Op Returns to Spec-Ops: The Line

It seems Spec-Ops: The Line is having a hard time trying to decide if it wants to be with the blond co-op in the class.  She's nice and all, but their relationship is on again, off again more often than a shoddy wi-fi connection at an E3 press conference.  2K Games have announced that Spec-Ops the line has re-added a co-op mode, this time in the form of free DLC which will be released shortly after the game.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Modern Warfare 3's First Content Drop Includes Two Spec-Ops Missions

Modern Warfare 3 is getting it's first "content drop" on March 29th, which includes the first three maps that were previously only available to Call of Duty Elite subscribers as well as more content for March.  The new content for March includes two Spec-Ops co-op missions; Black Ice and Negoiator.  This "content drop" is purchasable by players who did not opt in for a premium Call of Duty Elite subscription.

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