Metal Slug 3 Coming to Steam
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Metal Slug 3 Coming to Steam

Classics remain classic

We at Co-Optimus like to highlight the latest games, but one of the wonders of co-op is how often you end up playing a classic with friends.  Recapturing that feeling of couch co-op with a sibling or pal is sometimes what gaming is about.  Therefore, when a stone cold classic like Metal Slug 3 is planned for release on Steam, we are going to tell you about it!

Metal Slug 3 is one of the best outings for the classic series and offers 2 player co-op, both local and online, throughout the campaign.  The PC version is coming via Steam in February and you can check out the holding page.

If you have not played a game in the series, this outing is certainly worth checking out; the graphics and split levels were legendary in their day and still impress now.  

Community Question

What other couch co-op games would you consider Stone Cold Classics? 


