Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
1 Year of Co-Op Gaming - Many More to Come!
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1 Year of Co-Op Gaming - Many More to Come!

One year ago today we launched Co-Optimus.com with the hope of furthering cooperative gaming.  We had three main goals.

  1. Make co-op gaming information easy to find
  2. Let developers know what we want in co-op gaming
  3. Build a great community around co-op gaming

I think for the most part we are well on our way to achieving these goals.  Since we launched we've been visited by over 600,000 unique co-op gamers from 182 different countries and regions.  We've grown our co-op games database to 500 games, and we have a community of almost 2000 strong!  I couldn't be more proud than I am today - and I thank everyone of our readers, users, and community members!

But we aren't resting on our laurels either.  Last night we launched a new feature in our games database that integrates co-op videos into the games pages.  It's a great way to see how the co-op experience works (example here), thanks to YouTube.  Soon we hope to take this one step further - but more on that later! 

I'd just like to thank the entire staff for their hard work.  Without them this site wouldn't be what it is today. 

Tonight the staff and the community will be playing co-op on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.  Interested in joining up?  Follow this link to our forums.

