Monster Hunter: World

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
PC Version of Monster Hunter: World Gets a Release Window
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PC Version of Monster Hunter: World Gets a Release Window

Good news? It's this year! Bad news? It's the late part of the year. The frogurt is also cursed...

One of our anticipated co-op titles this year, Monster Hunter: World, arrives on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this month (January 26, to be precise). The title is also getting a PC release, but Capcom hasn't said much about when that version might make its debut. Until now...

Ryozo Tsujimoto, the game's producer, posted a video to the official Monster Hunter: World YouTube channel yesterday with a release window for the PC version. Unfortunately, it won't be out until sometime "Autumn 2018." That means folks who are waiting to enjoy the first "next-gen" Monster Hunter title on their suped-up computer will have to wait a while longer.

Monster Hunter: World will launch worldwide on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26. It will support four player online co-op.

