Sea of Thieves

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Sea of Thieves - Haunted Shores Ghost Ship Battle Stream Recap
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Sea of Thieves - Haunted Shores Ghost Ship Battle Stream Recap

Jason and Nick show their pirating skillz

Jason and Nick are a duo in our latest Sea of Thieves stream, so we board our sloop and head to the high seas to take on the ghost fleet spawned by the Haunted Shores content drop from the game.

The ghost fleet battles are a little more...arcadey than typical ship to ship battles. Mostly because you don't have to contend with boarding and/or being boarded. It's straight cannon on cannon action. Except their cannons shoot ghosts. 

Enjoy the video below and let us know how you like the chapter bookmarks! A first for our stream recaps.


