Crime Boss: Rockay City

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Join the Crime Boss: Rockay City Steam Playtest Before Launch!
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Join the Crime Boss: Rockay City Steam Playtest Before Launch!

Sign up to play the game ahead of its June 18 Steam launch.

After a period of exclusivity on other platforms, Crime Boss: Rockay City is finally coming to Steam on June 18. 505 Games and InGame Studios want to make sure the game makes a good impression when it arrives, so they are holding a free playtest right now. Steam users just have to sign up for the playtest while it's going on, and they'll be in!

How to join the public playtest:

  1. Visit the Crime Boss: Rockay City Steam store page.
  2. Find the text "Join the Crime Boss: Rockay City Playtest."
  3. Click the "Request Access" button.
  4. You'll be able to download and play the game during the public playtest period!
  • Crime Boss: Rockay City

Crime Boss: Rockay City is a PAYDAY-style cooperative heist game with roguelike elements. Not only is the game launching at $20 on Steam, but all existing DLCs will be free during the first month after launch. InGame Studios has put a lot of effort into polishing Crime Boss since it first arrived on Epic and consoles, and Steam users will get to enjoy all that polish. Incidentally, the game's store page claims that Steam Deck is unsupported, but we've heard that it actually runs well on the Steam Deck.

The Steam version of Crime Boss: Rockay City will sell for $19.99 when it arrives on Tuesday, June 18. All previous DLCs will be free "for a limited period of time." The game sells for $39.99 on Xbox Series S|XPlayStation 5, and Epic.

