Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Eye Watering Bangai-O HD Bursting onto XBLA May 4th
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Eye Watering Bangai-O HD Bursting onto XBLA May 4th

How many missiles is considered overkill?

For all you SHMUP fans who like their eyes to bleed when playing super fast space shooters, put a note in your diary for the 4th of May (if you can see your diary through the veil of pain).  I looked up what SHMUP meant and it is not an acronym for Samoza Has Many Unsettling Pleasures, but a shortened version of the words shoot-em-up.  Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury falls into this category like it was R Type's cousin.  The cousin that no one talks about because he has mental graphics and over 100 co-op ready levels.

Bangai-O will be sheering into your brain pan come the 4th May on XBLA and will cost 800 MSPs.  In the meantime check out Read More for a glimpse of the crazy SHMUP action that Bangai-O HD has to offer courtesy of XboxViewTV:  


