Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 4.25.2011
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Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 4.25.2011

The week following Easter can be rife with indulgence.  After giving up something dear to them for the 40 days of Lent, god-fearing people can feel free to get back into bad habits with a gusto.  I myself gave up going to church for Lent about 17 years ago.  It made me feel so righteous, I haven't been back since.  If Easter isn't your thing, that's fine too.  These new games are nondenominational.


Outland (PSN) This new platform shooter is visually striking and focuses on relationships between light and dark elements.  2 player online co-op.

Darkspore (PC) It's like a cross between Diablo and Spore.  I'd have called it "Spoablo", or "Diabore"... no, Darkspore is good.  4 player online co-op , 4 player LAN/Ad-Hoc Co-op.


Outland (XBLA) Same as above, except a day late.  Unless, of course, the PSN is still down.  Then it might be a day, a week, or a month early. 2 player online co-op.

Here's a list of less co-op-y games, complete with Amazon Links.  Do your part to stimulate the economy and buy at least one of them:

Chronicles of Mystery: Secret of the Lost Kingdom (PC) [Google It]
 (PC) [Google It]
Dream Trigger 3D
 (3DS) [Google It]
IL-2 STurmovik: Cliffs of Dover
 (PC) [Google It]
Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska
 (Wii) [Google It]
Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story
 (PC) [Google It]
The Egyptian Trilogy
 (PC) [Google It]
Twisted Lands: Shadow Town
 (PC) [Google It]

Once again, if we are missing a game, please, leave a comment mentioning it.  Maybe someone will see it and enjoy it.

