Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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The 2011 Co-Op Game of the Year Awards - Page 4

Best Downloadable Co-Op Title of 2011

There were so many great downloadable games on consoles this year. While three years ago we were limited to mostly arcade remakes of classic games, innovation has brought several smaller and budget oriented titles to gamers. Coming in at under $15 for most, these downloadable games often offer just as much content and replayability as their $60 counterparts.

We had some pleasant surprises this year too - games that not only were fun and addictive, but oozed style. In fact, our two runners up were very similar in terms of genre - both being tower defense hybrids. Both Iron Brigade (formerly Trenched) and Toy Soldiers: Cold War distinguished themselves in the genre by offering something different along with plenty of style (and humor). Iron Brigade gave us player customization and giant mech battles in a fictional war. Toy Soldiers gave us impressive visuals and controls, mixing things up and adding plenty of comedy as well.

While both these games could easily have been our choice for Downloadable GOTY our winning game also was a tower defense hybrid. Dungeon Defenders did something the other two games didn’t: Trendy Entertainment added in RPG elements making it an addictive, replayable hack and slash as well. With a release on just about every platform from iPhone to Xbox Live, Dungeon Defenders is a game that can be experienced by four friends just about anywhere and anytime. 

The four player co-op works incredibly well as players take up defined roles with their own strengths and weaknesses that play off each other. It’s because of this that we’ve awarded it our 2011 Downloadable Co-Op Game of the Year..


Winner: Dungeon Defenders
Runners Up: Iron Brigade, Toy Soldiers: Cold War


