by Jason Love 0
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Truly a farewell to arms

Final Expansion for Enter the Gungeon Available Now

The folks over at Dodge Roll have been working on their bullet hell dungeon crawler, Enter the Gungeon, for over five years now, and last Friday, they finally declared it as D-O-N-E done! (At least as far as new content is concerned, bug patches will still happen.) The final free DLC expansion, "A Farewell to Arms," was released for all versions of the game so if you've been looking for excuse to get back into this one, now seems as good a time as any.

by Jason Love 0
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Forget shields, just shoot the boss!

Remnant: From the Ashes Looks Like a Pretty Fun Co-Op Shooter

Gunfire Games' next title is a "third-person survival action shooter" that appears to blend looting, shooting, and crafting with a little bit of Dark Souls. Titled Remnant: From the Ashes, the game was first announced last July, but IGN recently go some hands-on time with it to show off the cooperative nature. I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing so far.

by Jason Love 0
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Faster combat, revised power rating system, co-op campaign, and more

Version 2.0 of Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor - Martyr Is on the Way

Officially released last June on the PC and a couple months later on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Neocore Games' action-RPG, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr, has gone through two seasons of free content that added new enemies, increased power/level caps, and opened up new subsectors to play. Through all of this, the developers have been gathering feedback and working on a much larger update to bring a number of quality of life (QoL) changes to the game.

by Jason Love 0
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Digital ships and pilots will still be available

Physical Toys Are Done for Starlink: Battle for Atlas

Ubisoft posted a pretty honest and straightforward blog post last week about the state of their "build-your-own" spaceship shooter, Starlink: Battle for Atlas. The initial launch of the title was somewhat surprising as all of the "toys-to-life" games of the past few years have seen a steep decline, but Ubisoft seemed to account for that by offering the option to use physical or digital content in Starlink. It appears, though, that that still wasn't enough to help with the sales as Ubisoft stated they've "made the decision to not release any additional physical toys for the Spring update and in the future."

by Jason Love 0
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Still playable for now

QC Games and Breach Are Shutting Down

In a surprise announcement yesterday, QC Games announced that their studio will be shutting down, as will their action-RPG Breach. It's not clear just yet what the plan is for sunsetting this title, but the servers are still up and running if you wanted to get one last game in before it goes, though there's a certain caveat to that (see below).

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