by Nick Puleo 10
  • xbox live arcade
  • n

N+ Co-Op Review

 N+ for the Xbox Live arcade is based off a popular internet flash game.  So then why should you spend your 800 MS points on the game?  Simple - online co-op.  Read on for our full review of the game, and stick around for one of our best video reviews ever.  

by Loren "AgtFox" Halek 9

Co-Optimus Co-Op E3 Preview

E3 is right around the corner, July 13th through 17th to be exact, and with that comes our first coverage of the biggest show in the games industry.  We'll be onsite to cover all the co-op games that are on hand, and hopefully bring you guys some great exclusive content like developer interviews and in game footage!

by Marc Allie 3

Another Possible (and AWESOME) Rock Band 2 Set List

So, we heard some rumors.  This comes straight from the source.  Well, really, it's from Kotaku, and it's more like the source's friend's ex-girlfriend's hairdresser's aunt, who knows this girl who worked at Chuck E. Cheese and found the list on a napkin, then shared it with her roommate's monkey's uncle.  In any event, our love for Rock Band is such that even rumors are worth reporting.  Two versions of a setlist, from different sources, have quite a bit of overlap, which might make them more believable, or might not.  The songs on these lists are fantastic, including some of my favorite bands and tunes ever.  Everlong!  Eye of the Tiger!  Freakin' Battery!  Man in a Box!  And even Dream Theater, a band that is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Take both lists with a whole shaker full of salt, and check them out after the break.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox 360
  • couch
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Playing Too Human with Denis Dyack

No, we didn't get to play Too Human with Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack.  Sure we've covered this game inside, outside, upside and leftside - but this week's 1UP show has a more personal look at the game as the crew from 1UP sit around an Xbox 360 with Dyack and plays some of his game. 

by Marc Allie 0
  • playstation 3
  • playstation network

Team Expansion for Super Stardust HD Reviewed

Super Stardust HD is one of the premiere titles available on the Playstation Network.  Take the classic Asteroids gameplay from days of yore, add in genre staples like power ups and different weapons, and throw it all in a gorgeous high definition package, and you have SSHD in a nutshell.  However, for fans of co-op, there has been a nagging problem about the game: both players had to remain on the same screen, thus limiting their effectiveness.  The most recent content for the game, aptly titled the Team Expansion, addresses this problem.  Split-screen co-op is now supported.  From IGN's review:

by Nick Puleo 1
  • xbox 360

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise Dated September 5th

Holy Horstacios!  The brand new entry to the grossly under appreciated Viva Pinata series has a release date, and it's September 5th, 2008.  The game will feature over 30 brand new creatures along with all of your old favorites, as well as new gameplay modes, new weather effects and of course co-op.  That's right you and your buddy or kids can sit down and enjoy the virtual pinata gardening experience together with expanded co-op options, including co-op specific features and bonuses.

by Blake "V Kulla" Corner 2
  • playstation 3
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Gamepro Dishes on Resistance 2

Well, if you can't get enough Resistance 2, GamePro has you covered. In their newest issue, the August issue, they devote ten pages to the co-op friendly game. The GamePro folks say that they've played the game's 8 player co-op mode and have the details, as well as details from the multiplayer mode and single player mode. The extensive Resistance 2 coverage seems to give a good overview of the game, so pick it up if you are a Resistance fan.

by Marc Allie 2

Co-Op Classics: Gauntlet Legends and Gauntlet Dark Legacy

This week, due to the holiday, Co-Op Classics has been bumped up a day.  Last week, we covered the first two Gauntlet games.  Though there were a few sequels, the next real innovation to the series was Gauntlet Legends, the first 3D game in the series.  Highly successful both in the arcades and for home systems, Legends got a sequel, Gauntlet Dark Legacy, which is probably the finest game in the entire series, in my opinion. But first, let's talk about Gauntlet Legends.  More than a dozen years had passed since Gauntlet II hit arcades.  During that time, gaming had changed drastically.  Two dimensional sprites and artwork just didn't cut it anymore, thanks to the rise of 3D technology.  Old school titles had to be reinvented to keep up with the times.  Some of these transitions were highly successful, such as Super Mario 64.  Others were not so lucky (Frogger 3D, we're looking at you).  It was only a matter of time before a fantastic old school game like Gauntlet was given the three dimensional makeover, and in 1998 that's exactly what happened. 

by Marc Allie 4
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • playstation 2
  • couch
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New Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Screenshots

Contrary to popular belief, there is a bit of news out there that isn't about Diablo 3, Too Human, or upcoming rhythm games.  We have just posted some screenshots from the upcoming co-op title Mercanaries 2: World in Flames.  The game will feature 2 player drop in/drop out co-op during the main campaign.  Lots of pretty explosions as well as some exotic weaponry are available for your viewing enjoyment.

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