by Jason Love 0
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Put the bunny back in the box

Try to Escape From a Moving Vehicle in Escapists 2, Available Now on PC

The Escapists 2 got an early release on the PC and is available to play now. The PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One versions will be out tomorrow, and the Switch version is still TBA. That's not all. Mouldy Toof Studios figured they'd toss one last challenge everyone's way. Sure, you can escape from an ordinary prison, maybe even a prison in space, but can you rise to the levels of Nic Cage and escape from an airplane?!

by Jason Love 0
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Three new operators and a new map

Next Rainbow 6 Siege DLC is Around the Corner

In keeping with the road map they laid out earlier this year, the first piece of new DLC (Operation Blood Orchid) since February will be dropping for Rainbow 6 Siege soon. For all you Terrorist Hunt fans out there (and pretty much everyone else, too), two new Operators from the Hong Kong Special Duties Unit (S.D.U.) along with an Operator from Poland's GROM will be available to play along with a new map, a creepy abandoned amusement park.

by Jason Love 0
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Some cool ideas here

Co-Op Details Provided for Absolver

We're a little over a week away from the start of the big fall release season, and one of the co-op titles you can enjoy starting on August 29 is Absolver, an "online multiplayer combat game" where players can create their own combat style. Though it's core is a 1v1 fighting game, there are some interesting co-op features, which the devs have recently talked about in some greater detail on the PlayStation Blog.

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