by Tally Callahan 0
  • nintendo switch
  • couch
Another Neo-Geo co-op game available to purchase in the Nintendo eShop

Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad Now Available on Nintendo Switch

Thanks to a Nintendo eShop update last week, another classic co-op game has been made available on the Nintendo Switch. Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad was originally released by SNK in 1998 on the Neo-Geo, but fans can now experience it almost 20 years later on Nintendo's newest console. Technology be crazy, yo.

by Tally Callahan 0
  • pc
Morrowind comes to ESO, Wildstar gets new type of raid, and Magic: the Gathering MMO announced

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume LXXVII: Primed for the Morrow's Gathering

Summer’s here in earnest, bringing with it expansion and content patch launches as well as news about brand new MMOs. In this month's MMOCO we take a look at ESO’s Morrowind expansion launch, the implementation of Prime Raids for Wildstar, and details about the upcoming Magic: the Gathering MMO. ...

by Jason Love 0
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  • online
"Bioware Does Destiny" just sounded a bit wrong as a news title

[E3 2017] Bioware's Next Title is the Cooperative Anthem

In what feels like the usual fashion these days, the new Bioware IP was teased at yesterday's EA press conference with the promise of more being shown at this afternoon's Microsoft event. In the midst of all that talk about teraflops and the Xbox One X, Anthem was given its time to shine and we're liking what we are seeing so far.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
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  • online
Beards, Guns, Dwarves, and Xbox

[E3 2017] - Deep Rock Galactic Coming to Xbox One Alongside PC in 2018

At E3 2017, Coffee Stain Studios has announced alongside Microsoft that their four player co-op shooter/miner game - Deep Rock Galactic -  is coming to Xbox One in Early 2018 alongside the already announced PC version. It'll be part of the Xbox Play Anywhere program, meaning you can purchase it on either Xbox One or PC and play it on either platform.

by Nick Puleo 0
Updated for Modern Age and includes 70 Games

[E3 2017] - AtGames Re-Releasing Sega Genesis Classic Gaming Hardware

Sega Genesis Flashback, Classic Game Console, and the Ultimate Portable Game Player. Each console and portable system includes a selection of built-in Sega Genesis games, HD support for output, and in one case - even supports classic Sega Genesis cartridges. The Sega Genesis Flashback is inspired by the original console and includes 85 buil...

by Enoch Starnes 0
Get your comically large swords ready!

Our Weekend In Gaming: Anime Wedding Season

That feeling's in the air - the feeling of eternal devotion, of pure intimacy, of Japanese animation.  That's right, folks, it's anime wedding season!  Now, listen.  I know you're all busy this time of year picking wedding outfits, painting teardrops on your forehead, et cetera, but if you can, find a bit of time to stop by our own Mike Katsufrakis' wedding this weekend.  I hear the location is lovely, and the reception will be pretty raucous.

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