by Perron Wiley 0
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I've been waiting for this day...

Wildlands Open Beta Available for Pre-load

One of the many welcoming trends of modern gaming (in my opinion, at least) is the inclusion of the open beta. Interested in an upcoming title? What better way to determine whether you should part from your hard earned cash than to test drive a portion of the game for free? It certainly beats buying a game based on a few random screenshots plastered on the back of the box.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
All proceeds go to charity

The Humble Freedom Bundle Supports America and Co-Op

The latest bundle on Humble Bundle is a bit different than previous affairs. While most bundles allow the buyer to mix their contributions up between a charity, the developers, and the store itself with a pay what you want transaction; the latest one is different. Instead all proceeds will go towards the following charities: The ACLU, Doctors without Borders, or The International Rescue Committee.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • playstation 3
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Update #12 Brings Long Asked for Features

PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition Getting DLC, Fixes, and New Content Soon

PayDay 2 saw a release last year on consoles with an edition dubbed "Crimewave" - the game included a ton of content from the PC version all bundled up into a nice package for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 player. Consistent support for the game came in update after update, so much so, we've gone to update twelve.

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