by Jason Love 0
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New training mode will be added as well

Next Battleborn Update Will Unlock All 25 Core Characters for Free

The exact future for Battleborn may be up-in-the-air, but with the next update, Gearbox and 2K are hoping to attract a few more players to the title. The big ticket item with this update is that all 25 characters in the original roster, i.e., none of the new ones that have been added over the past six months, will be unlocked for free simply by completing the Prologue.

by Jason Love 0
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The sequel nobody saw coming

Knack 2 is in the Works

While Sony had a fair number of surprises for its fans at the PlayStation Experience this past weekend, including the reveal of The Last of Us: Part 2 and Windjammers making its way digitally to PSN, the one game that was perhaps the biggest surprise was Knack 2. While the original has its appeal and drawbacks, it sounds like Japan Studio has heard much of the criticism leveled at the game and put that to work to make the sequel better.

by Jason Love 0
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Map is free, but you gotta pay for that car

New Rocket League Map and Steam Workshop Support Arrive Tomorrow

Since it's debut last July, Rocket League has risen to be one of the most popular multiplayer games out there. We're just happy that you can play against some co-op bots with buddies. A new sci-fi themed arena, "Starbase ARC," gets added to the title, but perhaps best of all, PC players will be able to share their own custom maps with folks via Steam Workshop.

by Enoch Starnes 0
We're like doomsday preppers, but with video games, and also we're not insane.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Stockpiling

The Co-Opticrew has begun to emerge from their various comfort food-induced comas, which means that the preparation for a harsh winter must begin.  We've already stocked up on almost all the necessities (food, water, firewood, virginal blood to conduct our nightly Yuletide rituals, bedding, etc), so that leaves just one final item:  video games.

by Jason Love 0
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Finally, someone recognizes the value of flamethrowers in gourmet cooking

Spice Up Your Holidays With the Festive Seasoning DLC for Overcooked

It's been rather incredible to see how much love Overcooked - a local co-op only title - has been getting these past few months. Entirely deserved, too, from my perspective. To celebrate the holidays, those fine gentlemen at Ghost Town Games are releasing an appropriately themed DLC pack for free.

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