by Jason Love 0
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LittleBigPlanet Karting and PSP servers are going for everyone

Japanese Servers for All LittleBigPlanet Games Are Shutting Down

Some sad news for everyone in Japan who's still playing and enjoying LittleBigPlanet content. A post on the Japanese PlayStation blog (and then translated by NeoGAF) stated that the servers for the original title, its two sequels, the karting game, and portable/Vita version will all be shutdown on July 31st.

by Jason Love 0
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The donkey lady roams the plains once more

Red Dead Redemption Joins Backwards Compatibility List

If you were to ask me what one Rockstar game I would like to play again/see a sequel to, I'd interrupt you before you even finished the question. The answer is Red Dead Redemption, and based on recent sales numbers for the game, I'm not the only that feels that way. Part of my wish will come true soon enough as the game will be added to the Xbox One Backwards Compatibility list this Friday, July 8.

by Sam Tyler 0
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Straight to hell

You Have a Gat out of Hell's Chance with July's PS+ Games

Before M$ had the idea to give away a couple of 'free' games every month, PlayStation were offering the service.  Yes, this may be because PS+ is a paid service, but a game for $0(ish) is nothing to be scoffed at.  The protagonists of the Saints Row series are used to taking things for nothing, so don't feel bad that in July you will get Saints Row: Gat out of Hell for nada.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Chaotic Fun

Halo 5's Warzone Firefight Co-Op Mode Impressions

Halo 5: Guardians launched as what was arguably the weakest co-op experience for the series. Despite supporting four player co-op in the campaign, the game lacked local couch co-op for the very first time in any Halo game on Microsoft's console. Combined with the missing Firefight or Spartan Ops co-op mode, players were very limited in the time they could spend with their friends in a non-competitive setting.

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