by Jason Love 0
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Race with or against friends online

Skylanders SuperChargers Will Support Online Co-Op

The "toys to life" series of games that the original Skylanders kicked off all those years ago has always lacked one thing in the eyes of us co-op loving gamers: online play. That will change with Skylanders SuperChargers. Now you and your friends can play through the game's Adventure Mode together through the interwebs!

by Enoch Starnes 0
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They'll cower in fear at your ability to do one-armed push-ups.

Do Mean Things To Your Enemies When Battleborn Hits In February 2016

Look, it's tough to stand out in a crowd, and even tougher when you're just some average Joe or Jane.  If that crowd is twenty-five of the universe's wackiest brawlers, well, you better be bringing something extra special to the table.  That's why Gearbox's latest entry, Battleborn, is leaning harder than ever into their unique character archetypes.  Being a robot is one thing, but being a robot who bends time and raises little baby robot owls?  Now that's something you can put on a college application.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Goblins worldwide celebrate a slightly extended lifespan.

Sword Coast Legends Will Be Coming To Us Slightly Later Than Expected

Look, guys.  The long and short of the story is that Sword Coast Legends got bumped from its original PC release date of September 8th to the slightly further away September 29th.  This is a super bummer for those of us who had already begun building shrines to the dice gods in preparation.  As a wise man once said, though, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."  It may not mean as much in the era of Early Access and insta-patches, but if getting the game a few weeks late means that I get the fully enjoy the experience right away, I am 100% down.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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The undead seem even less dangerous without gravity.

(Plant) Life Found On The Moon Thanks To Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

At this point, there's a long, storied grudge between the Earth's vegetation and the shambling undead.  For whatever reason, they just can't get along, though I seriously doubt that anyone's tried.  Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is simply the logical escalation of that grudge.  Anyone with half a brain could deduce that a conflict between sentient flowers and rotting humanoids would eventually lead itself to the moon.  That makes sense, right?

by Taylor Killian 0
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Showdown in the skies

Star Wars Battlefront Flaunts Fighter Squadron Mode

I know the Battlefront games are supposed to focus on those poor, unnamed schmucks who get wasted in all of the Star Wars films. You know, the ground troops crushed by AT-AT's, or wasted by Stormtroopers, or maybe ravaged by renegade rancors. But, to be honest, if we're just focusing all our attention on guys with laser rifles blowing each other away for one cause or another, it just doesn't feel like Star Wars. Thankfully, the folks down at DICE agree. At Gamescom this year, they revealed the "Fighter Squadron" mode for Star Wars Battlefront.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Sweet, sweet PMC goodness

Meet Act of Aggression's Newest Faction: The Cartel

When you're ordering countless soldiers to death on the blood-stained sands of the cruel RTS fields, it's better if those particular guys are total jerks. That way you don't have to endure any crisis of conscious after an artillery strike wipes them all out. Introducing the third faction for Act of Aggression: the Cartel. The Cartel operates as a PMC with some of the most advanced tech in the entire game, which is entirely the opposite of what I figured it would be. I thought the Cartel would field a bunch of drug runners with gold-plated desert eagles, funded entirely by the drug trade. I was not expecting supersoldiers blazing through Marines with laser rifles.

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