by Taylor Killian 0
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Sky's the limit.

Start Modding Dying Light On the PC

Way back in the distant month of February, Polish developer Techland sent out an unusual invitation. They wanted to know what we, the children of the internet, would want when it came to mod tools for Dying Light. Asking the internet for advice is typically similar to asking an army of fire ants to investigate your internal organs, but in this case, it seems to have paid off. Dying Light's PC version now supports mod tools, available on the Steam Workshop.

by Eric Murphy 0
Gaming for the folks with the REAL guns

Join Us for Operation Supply Drop's 4th Annual 8-Bit Salute

Next month, Co-Optimus staff and community will be participating in Operation Supply Drop's 4th Annual 8-Bit Salute. We're hoping to put together a team of co-op gamers (like you!) to attempt a 24 hour marathon of gaming for our troops. Of course, it's not all fun and games, we're raising money to send gaming-filled care packages to our troops who are risking their lives to defend the US and her allies. These courageous folks are under continuous stress, and could truly benefit from a mental escape that gaming often provides.

by Danny Cowan 0
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Grab a pal and defend that darn grid already!

Defense Grid 2 Deeply Discounted This Week on Xbox One

The Xbox One version of Hidden Path Entertainment's Defense Grid 2 is featured as part of this week's Deals With Gold lineup, giving you a chance to save some cash on one of the platform's best co-op strategy games. Normally priced at $24.99, Defense Grid 2 is available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers this week for only $6.25. Defe...

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