by Taylor Killian 0
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They made the roguelike even more roguelike.

Procedurally Generated Dangers Await In Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons

So you've bested Demon's Souls, teamed up to take out both Dark Souls games, and now you stand atop a gore-drenched pile of monster corpses, wondering what can possibly sate your appetite for challenge. Sure, there is Bloodborne and the difficulty it presents, but after mastering the Souls series, you know that all it takes is some trial and error, and maybe a buddy or two, to paint the walls of ancient palaces with the internal organs of some terrible evil. 

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Nazi butts beware.

Sniper Elite V2 Included In February's Games With Gold On Xbox 360

Ah, February.  While it's not quite the miserable depths of winter that define December and January, it's still chilly enough that you can easily excuse yourself from outdoor activities, wrap up in a warm American flag, and blast Nazis in Sniper Elite V2.  Luckily, Xbox Live Gold members can do so for free with their 'Games with Gold' program.

by Nick Puleo 0
Life is Strange when You Play These Five Games Together

Adventure Games to Play in Co-Op...That Aren't Co-Op

Let's face it, not every game was made for co-op play. Sometimes the nature of a game just doesn't work well with two or more people at the controls at the same time. But that's not to say there aren't single player games that can't be enjoyed together, in fact, we've found one genre out there that a lot of couples and friends tend to really like to play in pass the controller style co-op - Adventure Games.

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
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I Dreamed a Dream of Saints in Hell

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Impressions

One of the hallmarks of console gaming in recent years is the rise of the "HD" remake, and with the new generation of consoles, the new trend is to offer games from last generation with improved performance and a handful of graphical upgrades. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected is one such package, and it comes with a new, standalone expansion: Gat Out of Hell.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Techland is obviously having a bit of fun with their own game.

Players Discover a Dying Light Loot Cave

There's just something special about trying to exploit a game. Ever since Destiny, I knew that finding "loot caves" was going to be the next big thing within games. Well, this time it's the developers of Dying Light who are getting in on the action and are purposefully adding in special caves as a nod to the now infamous Destiny l...

by Taylor Killian 0
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With enough exposed midriffs for you both to enjoy!

Terra Battle's Co-Op Mode Is Out

If you happen to be one of the 1.5 million people who've downloaded Terra Battle, you may have noticed the "Co-Op Play," menu option. It's been disabled since the game launched in October of 2014, acting as an ever-promising sign of things to come. Developer Mistwalker announced earlier this week that Co-Op play is finally out on both Android and iOS versions of the tactical rpg/puzzle game.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Section 7, Addendum 3b: Pitchforks must be at least 5 feet in length.

Learn The Ins And Outs Of Revolting In New Assassin's Creed Unity DLC

If you're one of those skeptic types who likes to "wait" for games to be "reviewed" before picking them up, then it's likely that you were not privy to the pre-order bonus DLC for Assassin's Creed Unity.  Well, as of a few days ago, you can consider yourself on level ground with those who pre-ordered due to the release of the "Secrets of the Revolution" pack.

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