by Enoch Starnes 0
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Ancient Chinese costume simulator!

Pre-Order Bonus DLC Announced for Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires

Gah!  I just woke up from the most awful dream.  In it, Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires was being released, but I had no reason to go to my local brick and mortar games store to lay down my hard earned cash for a pre-order.  Also, this tuna sandwich kept hitting on me.  I knew it was a dream, cause when I made out with it, it tasted like buffalo wings.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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We built this city, we built this city on Kickstarter.

In Case You Were Wondering, Star Citizen Is Insanely Ambitious

Star Citizen, largely famous for being one of the most ambitious games currently in development (or ever, potentially), has just recently crested the $68,000,000 mark in its crowdfunding endeavor.  Touting lifetime insurance as one of the many perks of pre-purchasing a souped up spaceship, developers Cloud Imperium have made the allure of buying into their unreleased MMO as tantalizing as ever.  Luckily, though, nearly every interview with head honcho, Chris Roberts, has worked to assure "investors" that every dollar being spent isn't necessarily being whisked away to fulfill his dream of owning the world's first Wing Commander island theme park.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • xbox live arcade
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The latest victim of back room licensing deals.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Pulled From XBLA and PSN in North America

There comes a time where we must say farewell to beloved titles. Games vanish for a variety of reasons, ranging from servers getting yanked offline to some shady legal dealings, ie Too Human. This week's casualty is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on the Xbox Live Arcade and PSN. The critically acclaimed beat'em'up isn't the r...

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