by Taylor Killian 0
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Keep the Suicide Squad Under Wraps

LEGO Batman 3 "The Squad" DLC Exposed

Sometimes, you've gotta work with people you don't particularly like. For Batman, that means allying himself with two-bit villains like Captain Boomerang and Black Manta. The next DLC adventure for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has been named "The Squad." Now, this title is referring to Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, but suicide is a pretty loose concept for a LEGO game, so we're just going with "The Squad" for now.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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It's almost like getting a new game!

The Fourth Assassin's Creed Unity Patch Will Hopefully Mop Up Remaining Issues

One month after its release, Assassin's Creed Unity is finally nearing a state of competent playability.  The stealth-based action game was absolutely riddled with bugs and framerate issues when it first appeared on shelves, but Ubisoft sought to make good as quickly as possible by providing players with a full list of known issues and then working to remedy them as punctually as possible.  When that was deemed not enough to convince gamers that the company was not, in fact, Satan incarnate, they then discontinued their season pass program, offering compensation in the hopes that it would sate their customers until Unity was in a satisfactory state.

by John Bardinelli 0
Jungle? No, it's a flashing light fest.

Minecraft Gets All Christmassy with Holiday Skin Pack

Festive! Christmas! Santa! Other celebratory winter-type words! With just about any event or holiday, a new pack of skins arrives for Minecraft: Xbox One Edition and Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. Since this whole end-of-December thing is a pretty big one, Microsoft has wrapped up a big package of Christmas skins to make rutting sure you're in the holiday spirit.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Plus Peggle. But that's all.

Deals with Gold Chops Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Price for the Weekend

The latest round of Deals with Gold for the Xbox Games Store has rolled out, and the pickings are a bit slim this time around. Presumably everyone's too busy staring at the decorations on their neighbor's house to sit down and play some games. Anyway, there is one treat amongst the bunch: Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare for 66% off!

by Enoch Starnes 0
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I'm here to port you, not bloody tickle you!

Killing Floor 2 Announced For PS4

The Zeds are back, and they're coming for your high definition graphics!  Killing Floor 2, the followup to 2009's incredibly British co-op FPS bearing a similar name, has been announced for release in 2015 on Playstation 4 (alongside PC, of course).  Among the myriad of news stories coming from last weekend's Playstation Experience, Tripwire Interactive revealed to the world that they would, for the first time, be debuting their horrific take on zombie survival on a major console.  As anticipated, their announcement trailer is filled with the sick guitar riffs and zombie mutilation we've come to expect from the series.

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