by Enoch Starnes 0
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The Inevitable Port Has Finally Arrived

Terraria Announced for PS4 and Xbox One

Another year of our lives gone, another year closer to death, another port of Terraria.  Originally released on the PC, the now massive 2D action-adventure game has found its home on a plethora of devices.  Most recently, it's been announced that you and seven other co-op pals can now relive the experience of fighting a glowing, multi-armed space skull on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Hobbies include dancing, romance, and sentencing people to die.

Meet the Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition

We're all aware that the co-op and single player campaigns of Dragon Age: Inquisition are locked away in separate rooms and refuse to make eye contact. Bioware is probably pretty cautious of having the two interfere after the unfortunate backlash they got from Mass Effect 3's multiplayer influencing the traditionally single player experience. Of course, the two modes still exist in the same game world, even if they aren't going to acknowledge each other.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • playstation 4
Almost every game. Our video walk through.

PlayStation 4's Shareplay Features Brings Online Co-Op To Every Game

Last week the PlayStation 4 got a huge firmware update that added a host of great features. Among them was one called Shareplay, a utility that allows you to stream your game directly to a friend via the internet. But that's not all. Your friend can virtually take over your controller or the controller of a another local profile. What does that mean? Local co-op games can now be played online.

by Taylor Killian 0
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The mortality rate in Kyrat must be absurdly high.

Far Cry 4 Story Trailer and Season Pass Info

We've already met Far Cry 4's antagonist, the bewilderingly purple-suited Pagan Min and his shockingly gaudy hair, but what is really going on in Kyrat? With FC4 launching in just under two weeks now, we're gonna need some context for why we're knifing militants and sicking elephants on jeeps. Ubisoft has kindly provided a story trailer which doesn't really show that much story, but at least lets us know a little bit more about the universe.

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