by John Bardinelli 0
  • playstation 3
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  • couch
In space, we come up with a bunch of jokes that start with "in space".

In Space We Brawl is a Chaotic Combat Game with Tons of Customizable Weapons

The folks at Forge Reply really like to spend their lunch breaks screaming at and taunting each other. From those sandwich-fueled yelling sessions, In Space We Brawl was born. It's kind of like a twin stick shooter crossed with a beat-em-up game, but because it takes place in space, there's a lot more room to maneuver. Also, no one can hear you scream, so be sure to yell extra loud.

by Christopher Metz 0
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  • online
Bullets will be flying from almost everywhere.

Ruffian Games to Release 4-player Co-op Shooter 'Hollowpoint' in 2015

Gamescom may have been a few weeks ago, but we can’t forget about a cool title that was announced during the conference. Paradox Interactive and Ruffian Games (the same developer who brought us Crackdown 2) will be bringing us a new top-down action shooter called Hollowpoint. Set in the distant future, powerful corporations use organiz...

by Taylor Killian 0
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Purge the world of heretics with friends.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Includes Co-Op

Today, Bioware went ahead and confirmed the speculation that had been swirling around forever since Dragon Age: Inquisition was announced. The third installment in the Dragon Age franchise will contain four player co-op multiplayer. This special mode is reminiscent Mass Effect 3's co-op multiplayer gameplay, with four players engaging in various scenarios to defeat enemies and grab epic loot. Unlike ME3's polarizing decision to make multiplayer relevant to single player story parts, Inquisition keeps the two modes entirely separate from one another.

by John Bardinelli 0
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That's it, time to throw down the gauntlet.

Gauntlet Reboot Release Slips Back a Few Weeks

The Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie and Elf will have to wait a few more weeks before making their 2014 debut. The modernized reboot of the classic co-op monster killer Gauntlet has been pushed back to a September 23rd release date, adding about three weeks to the original date. Don't worry, though, we'll get a robe made out of dead imps as a consolation prize.

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