by Justin Reynolds 0
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Tons of costume packs, which one is for you?

LittleBigPlanet 3 Pre-Order Bonuses and Release Date

Adding new characters and creation tools to LittleBigPlanet 3 is exactly what the franchise needed to stay fresh. When we saw the gameplay demo at Sony's E3 conference we couldn't help but smile. Previously thought to be exclusive to the PS4, we've recently learned that LittleBigPlanet 3 will also release for PS3 at the same time, on November 18, 2014. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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The aliens are so polite to run on the tracks like that.

Defense Grid 2: Fixed Path Trailer

Looks like we're getting some advanced tactics from the minds down at Defense Grid 2. This week's new technique: not building your fancy laser towers directly in the path of the encroaching enemy. Here to help narrate these developments is General Fletcher, the man who elected to have his conscious eternally fixed in a giant planet-sized defense system with enough firepower to stop an alien invasion. I'm just waiting for him to slip up and read a "1" in stead of a "0" and accidentally initiate the Annihilate All Mankind Protocol. He is British, though, so he'd waste everybody very politely.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Dinklage Overload

Six Player Raids in Destiny Friend Only; Biggest Beta of the Generation

If you owned a console at all this weekend, chances are you were glued to your TV while putting caps in Fallen. Destiny's beta ran through the weekend on Sony and Microsoft platforms, and while tons of people were tromping around Old Russia, one of the game's linchpins was not included. Six-player raids have been a subject of both interest and concern since their announcement, but Bungie wants to lay fears to rest.

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