by Sam Tyler 0
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Behold such unfathomable beauty

Look Upon Handsome Jack in the new Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Trailer

Borderlands 2 had plenty going for it; top notch 4 player co-op, loads of guns and Claptrap.  One additional entertaining element was being harangued by Handsome Jack, the archenemy of our loyal Vault Hunters. The new Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel trailer teases the fall of the once great Jack and the rise of the infamous Handsome Jack.

by Taylor Killian 0
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A terrifying marriage between dual stick shooter and RTS

AirMech Arena Coming to Xbox Live this Summer

Summer is a mere month away, meaning another Xbox Live's Summer of Arcade is sneaking up on us. Of course, we don't know which pick up and play games will be included in the promotion, though an Xbox 360 only release with the release date of "Summer 2014" might give you a hint. Speaking of which: AirMech Arena is dropping this summer for Xbox Live. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Liberate Communist Nations with your freedom-loving DEATHBOT

BROFORCE May Update Goes Live

Hear that, Bro? Those explosions are the themesong of Democracy charging forward to punch the Commie blood straight out of the bad guys. We've got an all new update for BROFORCE comin' in hot from HQ. The May update throws two Bros onto the scene with brandspankin' new powers. You could listen to me gab about how handy these boys would be in a foxhole, or you could just watch the trailer.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Hack, slash, and repeat.

Samurai Warriors 4 Due on Sony Platforms this Fall

Looks like Hyrule Warriors won't be the only Dynasty Warrior-esque game to grace us this year. Celebrating the series 10 year anniversary, Samurai Warriors 4 is due out in the States and Europe sometime this fall on Playstation 3, PS4, and the Vita. Warriors fans in Japan have been enjoying this most recent installment since March, where it received a 34/40 from Famitsu.

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