by Justin Reynolds 0
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A few titles you may have glossed over, but that deserve your attention

Top 5 Underrated Co-Op Games of Last Gen

With every new generation of hardware that launches there is always a lull in content to enjoy. Many times we get prettier versions of games we’ve already played, and most launch titles aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. You’ve probably played the “best co-op games of last gen”, so instead of telling you ...

by Christopher Metz 0
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An inside source at Ubisoft verified the information.

Assassin's Creed Unity may Feature a Story Base 4-player Co-op Mode

The next Assassin's Creed title in the franchise, Assassin's Creed Unity, may possibly have a four-player co-op mode included in it that's altogether different than the Wolfpack mode found in the previous games. We might need to wait until E3 to see it officially, a trustworthy source says that the next Assassin's Creed title should see a new type of co-op mode.

by Jason Love 0
  • xbox one
A smattering of co-op offerings

Xbox One's Indie Games Program to Get 25 Games

Not to be left behind by Sony's push to welcome indie games/developers to the PS4 fold, Microsoft recently released a list of indie games that would be making their way to the Xbox One console as part of the ID@Xbox program. Many of these are games that have been out on PC or some other platform for a little while and are now getting ported over to the next gen console. Perhaps the best news for us co-op lovers is that a handful of these titles embrace the cooperative spirit!

by Taylor Killian 0
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Because it should have had it in the first place.

Couch Co-Op DLC Teased for Resogun

You know, there was a time when Co-Op only came in one flavor: local. Whether your characters were on screen at the same time or just passing the controller back and forth when it was your dude's time to party, that was all you got. And while we might have gotten used to playing video games without ever having to meet the judgement gaze of another human being, couch co-op is still very much a big deal. Except in Resogun, where online co-op reigns supreme. Until (potentially? maybe?) now.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Save cash and score bonus content by jumping on board early

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Now Available for Pre-Order

Launching in late May, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is now available to pre-order on Steam - and those who purchase early will save 10% off the retail price while also scoring an exclusive in-game item set. The new pre-order trailer features beautiful scenery and intense gameplay battles from the closed beta, take a look:

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