by Taylor Killian 0
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Glorious, exploding pixels.

Everything Explodes in new BROFORCE Trailer

Crush that beer can on your head and snag an M16. There's a new BROFORCE trailer on the loose and it's stuffing Democracy straight down the throats of terrorists. These Bros have been pumping iron and chugging protein powder shakes, so they've learned a few new tricks to devastate any Free Market opposition which might come their way. Salute Old Glory, boys, and be sure to slam a few Jaegerbombs for your fallen Bros.

by Sam Tyler 0
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There and back again

Clean Yourselves Up with the LEGO The Hobbit Launch Trailer (You Dirty Hobbitses)

LEGO game launches are becoming more regular than the seasons themselves.  The LEGO Movie Videogame has only been out for a few weeks, but hot on its tail is LEGO The Hobbit, out now on most platforms you would wish to think about.  Almost by coincidence a launch trailer for the game has also been released.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Leave feedback and Rockstar may address your concerns, eventually.

Rockstar Describes Upcoming GTA Online Updates and Content Arriving This Spring

Remember those co-op heist missions Rockstar promised would be coming to GTA Online? The good news is that they are indeed coming, and fairly soon! The developer recently filled the community in on all the coming content arriving in the next couple of months, so prepare yourselves.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Arm yourself for the zombie invasion, and also the Presidency.

Saints Row 4 'Game of the Century' and Dead Island Double Pack Leaked

It's hard to keep just about anything under wraps in this newfangled digital frontier. Case in point, the internet watchdogs who patrol Amazon in like six different countries noticed two new items from publisher Deep Silver: Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition, and Dead Island Double Pack. While a Deep Silver rep has come forward and announced the Game of the Century edition, it's only been announced for Europe.

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