by Nick Puleo 0
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Flying under the radar

Netgear Nighthawk R7000 Gaming Router Impressions

It was only a few months ago that D-Link released their latest gaming router to the market, the DGL-5500. We put it through its paces and came away pretty impressed. Today we're going to look at another router being marketed at the high end home user, the Netgear R7000 Nighthawk. But even with advanced features and performance the Nighthawk needs to serve the average home user. Let's see how it stacks up against the competition.

by Taylor Killian 0
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I don't know if I'd call it "challenging" so much as "unkind."

Twelve Minutes of Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Footage

The chaps down at Playstation Access have graced us with some gameplay footage of Dark Souls 2. This isn't any kind of meticulously edited trailer or anything, this is straight up real in game footage being played by them and some Namco Bandai employees. And because it is Dark Souls, you will see nothing but the cold face of death in multiple forms. Besides, is there anything more entertaining than having two British dudes commenting over a series of clips from one of your most anticipated titles? 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Oh wait, I meant DON'T cut the blue wire.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes: A Bomb Diffusal Game

The Global Game Jam went down last week, and when you get enough crazy people in a room together, madness is to be the only outcome. Which brings us to Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a co-op game where a player attempts to disarm a bomb as guided by someone who can't see anything they are doing. And if you don't think that's the greatest video game title in the history of time then you would be only lying to yourself.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Black Tusk Studios to follow up development

Gears of War Franchise Now Fully Owned by Microsoft

The Xbox 360 only Gears of War series will probably never know a life on any other consoles, as Microsoft paid Epic Games an undisclosed amount for exclusive rights to the franchise. While Gears of War 3 wrapped the story of Broody "Muscles" McDo-rag and my main man Dom pretty thoroughly, Black Tusk Studios is in development on the next installment to the highly influential series. Heading the new unnamed Gears of War project is Rod Fergueson, former Epic Games employee who acted as executive producer of the first three Gears games. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Shoot-'em-up fans on this side of the globe rend garments in despair.

Japanese Developer CAVE is Ending its Western Presence

The Japanese studio CAVE (all caps, please), the creators behind Deathsmiles and DoDonPachi have decided the Western Hemisphere is just not the place for their co-op shoot-'em-ups. In an announcement made by their English-speaking representative, Masa-King, the studio is closing its CAVEWorlden Twitter account and the CAVEWorlden word-press website on February 28th of this year. Before this announcement, the blog had not been updated in two years. CAVE noted it will still continue to provide information on the development of its games via the Japanese twitter account.

by Jason Love 0
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Larian Studios' "return to RPG roots" looks promising

Divinity Original Sin Hands-On Co-Op Preview

Larian Studios is best known for the Divinity series of games set in the fantastical realm of Rivellon. Each entry has been a little different than the last, with the most recent entry being a tactical/turn-based strategy affair. The next entry, Divinity Original Sin, is their “return to roots” with a more “classic” style of computer RPGs with the added benefit of co-op play. The game is currently in an Early Access Alpha version on Steam and we’ve gotten our paws on it to get a preview of what Larian has in store for gamers on this one.

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