by Nick Puleo 0
Billy body pillow coming soon.

Get a Co-Optimus Covid Mask for Proper Social Distancing Co-Op

Our partners over at TeePublic are having a sitewide sale right now on t-shirts. We've got plenty in our co-op themed store for you to choose from with prices starting below $12. But if you are already packed to the gills with shirts, perhaps you could add a growing fashion trend item to your collection - namely a cloth mask for your shopping trips to the grocery store...or better yet your couch co-op sessions at a 6 foot distance!

by Nick Puleo 0
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Like being struck by lighting

Sea of Thieves - Our First Adventure on the Haunted Seas

Sea of Thieves may have been around since early 2018, but Co-Optimus has more or less not been tempted by it's golden bounties. The risk of invading player pirates have turned us off of these types of games - from both a coverage and interest perspective. You'll notice the DB entries for Sea of Thieves mentions "griefing" as a piece of information. But if our first session is any indication, the risk of being ganked feels pretty low and the emergent gameplay is worth the price of admission.

by Enoch Starnes 0
A nice, ripe weekend always hits the spot.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Delectable

And just like that, another sweet, sweet weekend has been plucked from the vine.  Will it be sweet?  Will it be tart?  Who knows!  All we can say for certain is that it contains a juicy center filled with video games.  In just a few hours, the Co-Opticrew will be embarking on a lengthy taste test, and we'll let you know about all the best parts come Monday.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Now You Can Be Trapped With Your Friends Again

ICYMI: Mad Experiments: Escape Room Is In Early Access Now

Mad Experiments: Escape Room, the escape room themed puzzle game from developer Play Together Studio, has made its way to Steam Early Access as it prepares for a full and final launch. As a press release states: “Invited by Professor Cheshire to his mysterious mansion, players are trapped in a room as subjects of mental tests. In groups or alone, players have 60 minutes to explore and find a way to escape from this strange place with its somewhat oppressive atmosphere.” Give us a group and sign us up.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Battle Llamas

Minecraft Dungeons Co-Op Stream Recap and Impressions

Minecraft is the top selling video game of all time, starting at its roots as a small indie game all the way to the franchise being purchased by Microsoft. It spawned an entire genre of video games and continues to be insanely popular among families of gamers. Spin-offs were inevitable, the first was a proper "story" game in Minecraft Adventures and now players will get an action rpg flavor in Minecraft Dungeons.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Like it's our jobs or something.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Back In Action

The Co-Opticrew is back in action this weekend and, wouldn't you know it, we're planning on playing even more video games.  That's right, we're grown adults capable of making our own decisions, and if those decisions revolve around careening through space or obliterating fighting robots, then so be it.  Maybe one day, we'll have a weekend filled with yard work and reviewing our grocery budgets, but until then, you know where to find us.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Feels familiar.

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened Launches Today, Stream Recap with Impressions

The original Dungeon Defenders was launched in 2011 and went on to be a huge indie game success in a time when indie games were just beginning to hit their stride. The game had a sequel in 2017 that changed the formula and attempted a free to play model, but wasn't met with the same critical acclaim or success. Now Dungeon Defenders: Awakened is throwing its helmet into the ring, bringing the series back and returning to the originals roots.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Access the mysterious ".5" dimension.

Georifters Gives A New Perspective On Platforming

Georifters, a puzzle platformer focused on bending the world around you, is headed for release in the very near future.  This first effort from Taiwanese developer Busy Toaster hopes to twist the 2D platforming genre by allowing players to shift the very ground they stand on.  As they solve puzzles and progress through the game's Adventure Mode, players will also be unlocking costumes, skills, and characters for a fully customizable experience.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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  • couch
Snag The Demo Before The Kickstarter Launches

The Last Crystal Demo Is Live

If you’re hungry for some adorable 2 player co-op or just a simple, visually-pleasing romp, you may want to give The Last Crystal a try now that the demo has gone live on Steam. In the super cute gameplay trailer (below) you can see the puzzle-solving co-op game in action as the heroes go about spreading flames, fighting monsters, upgrading their stats, traversing a variety of environments, talking with pandas, and more. While the date of the Kickstarter remains TBD, you can still enjoy a playable demo of the project before pledging your support.

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