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by Paul Acevedo 0
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The classic PC game, Super Tetris, joins Tetris Forever's huge collection of Tetris games.

Tetris Forever Gets Co-op 'Super Tetris' Game via Free Update

It's a rare treat to see a game that was previously non-cooperative gain co-op support. That's just what happened to Tetris Forever this week. The third game in Digital Eclipse's Gold Master Series (which also contains the delightfully quirky Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story) is a collection of new and classic Tetris games from throughout the franchise's history, plus documentary content. The arrival of Super Tetris, which supports 2-player local co-op, pushes the game count up to 21. That's a lotta Tetris!

by Paul Acevedo 0
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Digital Eclipse delivers one of the best-looking 2D beat 'em ups of this generation.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind - Co-op Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge kicked off a wave of nostalgic beat ‘em ups that shows no signs of slowing down. While none of these challengers have managed to match Shredder’s Revenge in quality, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, from Digital Eclipse and Atari, comes the closest so far. With a s...

by Paul Acevedo 0
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The biggest and best-ever collection of Atari titles includes 11 co-op games.

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - Co-op Review

Retro collections can be appealing because of the large number of games they include, but sometimes the games are too old to be much fun. Digital Eclipse and Atari overcome this problem by adding documentary content into the mix. Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration bundles an amazing 115 titles and a wealth of historical matter in one slick packa...

by Paul Acevedo 0
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This collection of classic games from Jeff Minter features 4 co-op titles, including Tempest 2000.

Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story - Co-op Review

Jeff Minter is a long-haired English video game developer who got his start creating games for European computers in the early 1980s. Nowadays, Minter is best known for the Tempest series, but he has created an astounding number of games, usually by himself or with very small teams. Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story from Digital Eclipse celebrates t...

by Paul Acevedo 0
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This collection boasts a radical assortment of classic Turtles games, 6 of which have co-op!

TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection Co-op Review

Despite a few gaps in releases now and then, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a gaming mainstay for over 30 years. It started with Konami’s first NES game in 1989, and then things really blew up with the arrival of the arcade game that same year. TMNT: The Arcade Game showed the world that the Ninja Turtles and co-op go together lik...

by Jason Love 0
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Money, it's a hit

Current Deals With Gold Includes Mass Effect: Andromeda, Stardust Galaxy Warriors

I know, I hear you out there. "Where are the new co-op games," you're wondering. Yeah, me too, buddy. But hey, while we all wait for the inevitable deluge of releases this holiday season, take a little time to check out this week's Deals With Gold where you can pick up Mass Effect: Andromeda, Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax, and more at reduced prices.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Lips #1 Hits Co-Op Review

Last year we applauded Microsoft's entry into the music genre with Lips. Unique LED and motion sensitive microphones, plus a packed song list with plenty of co-op options made for a great party. Lips is back with the first sequel, called Lips #1 Hits. But is it worth your money?

by Marc Allie 2
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Rock Band 2 Patch Adds Wireless Mic Support

If there was one thing holding Rock Band 2 back from being the perfect music game, it would have to be the lack of support for wireless microphones.  A patch has just been released that fixes this problem, allowing rockers to use the Lips microphones (also recently released seperately) in a fully wireless environment.  We're pleased with the addition of this feature, but curious as to why it took so long.  After all, wireless mic support was announced last year!

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