Tom Clancy's The Division

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Free Weekend for The Division on PC
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Free Weekend for The Division on PC

Loot and shoot for free!

Just in time for the latest patch that adds DirectX12, you can check out Tom Clancy's The Division for free on the PC starting now and running until 1:00 pm Eastern on
Sunday, December 18. If you dig it and decide to buy the full thing, then it's also on sale for 50% off during that time and, best of all, your character progress will carry over into the full version.

Since it's release earlier this year, The Division has received a number of patches and balance updates that addressed many of the complaints players had about the game once the main story was complete. Patch 1.4 made a bunch of changes to the way things like difficulty and loot drops worked as a whole and, by many accounts, has made the title worth checking out again. This kind of a change, though, also meant having to push some content back. As of now, the first of two DLC modes, the co-op focused "Underground" and the PvP based "Survival," have already been released and the third, "Last Stand," should be out early next year.

