New in Download/DLC:
E3 brought us a lot of goodies, and we mean - a lot. The newest announcements include the Summer of Arcade release announcements for Monday Night Combat, a third-person co-op, versus, quirky fun game. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will also be joining the ranks of the Xbox Summer of Arcade as well as PSN, complete with a third person co-op perspective on the series. Castlevania: Harmony of Despair is also on the Summer of Arcade co-op list, boasting up to 6 player co-op.
Co-op simply dominates the Summer of Arcade list this year, and we cannot wait for July now.
Because I was so adamant about asking these guys about co-op at PAX 2009, and they told me "But, there can only be one Deathspank"while on the showfloor - I am happy to be the one to tell you that the one and only Ron Gilbert RPG in the vein of Diablo meets Monkey Island will feature a co-op buddy. Deathspank has been confirmed to have a partner, Sparkles. The game will grace both the Playstation Nework and Xbox Live Arcade. I simply cannot wait!
Free For You:
We had a lot of fun playing the insanely addictive Heavy Weapon on Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network. The game is a side-scrolling tank game with lasers, colorful explosions, and all kinds of other things. The trial game is free, and loads of fun. We've also got a handful of PC games that suddenly went free, including the hit Global Agenda. The full game is free to play on PC, and it's definitely worth checking out if you dig the shooter co-op scene.
This concludes our E3/Summer of Arcade edition featuring Earthworm Jim. Join us in a few weeks to actually play some of these Summer of Arcade hits, and keep an eye out for our review of Earthworm Jim's co-op mode.