by Enoch Starnes 0
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Who's up for some wall painting speedruns?

Cooperatively Renovate Houses In Newly Released Tools Up!

While renovating a run-down mess of a house may be therapeutic, it isn't quite what I would call a "fun and chaotic" experience.  As a matter of fact, I would likely use the exact opposite words to describe the process.  That said, though, I've never done so on a timer and while working with three of my most exasperated friends.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Waiting With Baited Breath

Stardew Valley Multiplayer Live Across All Consoles

Stardew Valley has finally resolved the issues prolonging the multiplayer from reaching Xbox One, meaning, as sole-developer Eric Barone wrote, “The most recent big news is that XBOX and PS4 now both have the 1.3 multiplayer update, bringing all platforms (except VITA) into parity with one another.” Further, Barone announced his plans to continue development in what he calls additional “polish” such as removing odd bugs, fully fleshing out features, and making sure the game runs as intended across all consoles.

by Jason Love 0
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If your initial reaction to that headline was "I thought it already was?"... yeah...

Battleborn Will Finally Sunset In 2021

While Gearbox might be riding high right now with Borderlands 3, it wasn't that long ago that they attempted a whole new IP that didn't fare well. Development and updates for Battleborn officially ended two years ago and, honestly, I thought that the game was done around that same time. Apparently it's still been kicking around, but publisher 2K is now calling it quits and pulling the servers down... in another two years.

by Enoch Starnes 0
I can't believe I haven't made this joke before.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Jason's Addiction

The Co-Opticrew has finally broken free of Destiny 2's iron grip... for the most part, anyway.  There's still a lingering sense of Stockholm Syndrome, but we're beginning to branch out, breathe the fresh air, and remember that other video games exist.  We've got a pretty solid mix of old and new titles planned for the weekend, so good/nostalgic times should be had all around.

by Jason Love 0
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Remember when Borderlands had a good villain?

First DLC for Borderlands 3 Arrives December 19

A couple days ago, Gearbox revealed the first DLC for Borderlands 3. Titled "Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot," players will be recruited by Moxxi to break into an abandoned casino that was built by Handsome Jack back when he was 1) alive, and 2) President of the Hyperion corporation. Your goal is to break into the core of the casino and take over (anyone want to bet that it'll be turned into a Moxxi-themed casino when you do?)

by Jason Love 0
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Takes time to work out all the kinks in an MMO

Torchlight Frontiers Delayed to 2020

We're quickly approaching the end of 2019, and in case you forgot (I know I did), Echtra Games' Torchlight Frontiers was slated for a 2019 release date. Yeah, that's not happening. At this past weekend's ExileCon, Steven Messner from PC Gamer had a chance to talk with Max Schaefer, the studio's founder and the co-creator of Torchlight and Diablo. In the course of that conversation, Max stated that the game "wouldn't be releasing in the 2019 time frame that was indicated two and a half years ago."

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