by Tally Callahan 0
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A stylish new color palette for the acclaimed Cloud MIX

HyperX Cloud MIX Rose Gold Impressions

While I’m a big fan in general of HyperX’s gaming headsets, the Cloud MIX is still one of my very favorites. It is by far the most versatile headset I’ve had the opportunity to use, supporting use with a single 3.5mm jack (for mobile devices, certain computers/laptops, and consoles), dual 3.5mm jacks (for computers that support an audio/microphone jack set-up), and Bluetooth connections.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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New “Proving Grounds” And Patches Across All Platforms

Helldivers: Dive Harder Update Now Live

It's been a minute since we talked about Helldivers; in fact it’s been nearly a year since the last sliver of info came to us so the time apart has only made the release of the new (and free) “Dive Harder “ update that much sweeter. The free content, which is available now on PlayStation 4, Playstation 4, Vita, and PC,  includes the new Proving Grounds mode, described on the official blog as being, “[A] unique replayable mission that takes place in a city, purpose built as a training facility. Captured enemies have been let loose to roam the streets and give the Helldivers an opportunity to hone their skills.”

by Enoch Starnes 0
And I'm not talking about 2K's WWE release schedule.

Our Weekend In Gaming: The Spookiest Time Of The Year

Well, folks, this is the last time you'll hear from the Co-Opticrew before we're in full swing for Halloween.  What are we doing to prepare for the oncoming rush of scares and sweets?  Well... playing more video games, as it turns out.  I'm not certain it'll help things, but at the very least, we'll slip into our diabetic comas with memories of our favorite titles.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Now this is farming.

Farming Simulator 19 Now Has A Platinum Edition

Hold on to your tractors, folks, cause Farming Simulator 19 has a brand new upgrade available.  This new version of the game, titled "Platinum Edition", offers a premium experience for the discerning farmer.  No longer must players wade through the mediocrity of a standard farming experience, as the "Platinum Edition" is simply the cream of the virtual crop.

by Jason Love 0
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I do not have enough "face palm" gifs for this news story

Fallout 76 Now Has Private Servers For a Fee

At E3 2018, Bethesda unveiled the newest entry in the Fallout franchise, Fallout 76. There is simply not enough time to go into the many trials and tribulations of this game, but the short version is that it had a rocky launch and didn't get a whole lot better over time. The one sliver of hope that some folks had was that the "always online" aspect of Fallout 76 would be mitigated by private servers, something Todd Howard mentioned they were "looking into after launch." Well, the last finger on your monkey's paw has grimly clenched down and private servers are here... if you pay for them.

by Jason Love 0
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Let's get spoopy?

Borderlands 3's "Bloody Harvest" Event Kicks Off Today

Halloween is just a week away and all the video games are getting into the spirit. Borderlands 3's "Bloody Harvest" event, which was first teased last month, kicks off today and runs until December 5. This content is free to everyone, too, so you'll be able to enjoy it as long as you own the game. During the event, you'll be able to earn unique cosmetics (such as character skins, an ECHO device skin, weapon skin) and there are new weapons to add to your collection as well.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Never Too Late For The Third Street Saints

Saints Row 2 PC Patch Incoming From Volition

You read that title correctly. Saints Row 2, the second entry in the Saints Row franchise, a title that is now 11 years old, will be receiving a patch on the PC before we know it. The update comes due to Volition, the Saint’s Row series developer, finally finding the source code for the PC version of the game, the port of which was handled by an outside studio. While this is both official and delightful news - especially the bit about co-op working now - the timeframe when the PC version will be patched and content added are still yet to be announced. With Volition also working on Saints Row 5, it could be some time before we see this come to fruition.

by Jason Love 0
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Enjoy kicking down doors on the platform of your choice!

Door Kickers: Action Squad Arrives on Xbox One and PS4, Switch Next Week

KillHouse Games' action/strategy game, Door Kickers: Action Squad, finally arrives on (most of) the consoles today. Get a buddy and enjoy taking down terrorists, rescuing hostages, and disarming bombs either online or on your couch on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One today. The Nintendo Switch version arrives next Monday, October 28. There's also some new content being added to the game across all versions, so PC players, you can dip your toes back into the title as well.

by Jason Love 0
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The world turns on War and Strife, uh huh

Darksiders Genesis Release Date Revealed

The Horsemen will return this winter in Darksiders Genesis. The fourth game in the Darksiders franchise changes things up a little bit in two ways. First, rather than a third-person action game, Darksiders Genesis runs a little more in the top-down, twin-stick shooter vein, though it definitely still utilizes action game mechanics. Second, and more importantly, it supports two player co-op! Team up with a buddy and kick some demon butt as War and Strife.

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